RN Angela Swift Receives Daisy Award | Learn More

Registered Nurse Angela Swift Receives Daisy Award from Advantage Medical Professionals
The Advantage Medical Professionals team recently held a ceremony in Baton Rouge, Louisiana to honor their most recent Daisy Award recipient, registered nurse Angela Swift.
Angela Swift, RN received a Daisy Award from Advantage Medical Professionals for her unwavering work ethic, genuine compassion, and her sense of duty toward patients and colleagues alike. Angela routinely picks up extra shifts when needed, even if it means floating to a different area of the facility. She is highly regarded among her colleagues and supervisors for having a positive attitude and willingness to be a team player.
Angela has continued to work at the same healthcare facility over the last two years. She quickly fit in since starting her first travel nursing assignment there in 2021, and she has repeatedly extended her travel nursing contract there ever since.
“I renewed without hesitation,” Angela said. “My colleagues here and Advantage Medical Professionals have both been good to me, and I appreciate that. When I needed a break, my supervisor agreed to move me to another ward with fewer patients and lower acuity for a month. I only ended up staying on that ward for three days because my patients really missed me – and honestly, I missed them too!” When asked how long she plans to stay, she was quick to tell us that barring a change of circumstances, she intends to keep renewing her contract there as long as they’ll have her.
Angela was nominated for the Daisy Award by her travel nursing recruiter, Barbie Landwehr. “I have had the pleasure of working with Angela for the last two years, and she is one of the most dependable, professional nurses that I’ve had the privilege of working with. She is always there to provide her care and make a difference. I am so blessed to have Angela on my team,” Barbie says.
Advantage Medical Professionals would also like to recognize and congratulate all of our recent Daisy Award nominees: Mary Alyssa Dieckman, Micha Dyson, and Jeanette Ferrington.
About the Daisy Award
Inspired by the quality care he received when hospitalized, this award was created in memory of Patrick Barnes, who died from complications of Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) in 1999. Currently, more than 4,800 healthcare facilities and schools of nursing participate in the Daisy Awards across 29 countries worldwide.
>> Click here to learn more about our past Daisy Award winners or learn more about the DAISY Foundation.
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