Nurses Week Celebration | Pamela Brown, RN | Learn More

AMP Staffing Celebrates Nurses Week: Pamela Brown, RN
Nurses Week is a yearly celebration beginning on May 6th and ending on May 12th that honors the nursing profession. This year, we’re celebrating each day by turning the spotlight on one of our very own healthcare heroes! Read on to learn more about Pamela Brown, RN.
Tell us a little about yourself.
I am from Ruston, Louisiana and have lived there since I was five years old. I have four wonderful daughters, two are RN’s, one a special education teacher, and one is a hair stylist. I also have an amazing son who is a talented singer, guitarist and song writer. When I’m not running the roads to see my nine grandchildren, I’m outside working in my yard. I have an amazing husband who supports me and loves me so well daily. We love to travel and we also love serving others. We go on mission trips about twice a year. This is our passion.
Technology has grown the possibilities in nursing by leaps and bounds. What technology have you seen that has had the largest impact on nursing?
I started my career in 1986 and technology has come so far, and for the better!! No more paper charting! Don’t give me the good ole days!
It’s no secret that nurses often put their needs aside to help others. How has nursing changed you for the better?
Nursing has made me a more compassionate, loving person and I give God the glory for leading me daily and having this wonderful career. My daddy told me when I was a little girl to do something when I grew up that I loved and it wouldn’t seem like work. He was right! I love, love, bringing babies into this world.
What has been the most rewarding moment that you’ve experienced as a nurse?
The most rewarding moments in my career have been laboring my daughters and bringing those sweet grands into this world.
What has been your favorite part about being a travel nurse and what are the benefits of traveling vs. being staff?
I love travel nursing because I love meeting new people and seeing how things are done differently in various hospitals. I’ve learned a lot and I’ve taught a lot.
Who would you consider your nurse hero and what do you admire about them?
My nurse heroes are two of my nurse peers, Alisha Duke and Maggie Raab, I haven’t met finer nurses than these two anywhere I’ve been!
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